Best Coffee Machines & Accessories For A Large Office

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A large office needs a reliable coffee maker that can cater to all the employees. Each employee has a different drink preference. So this can become a problem when planning to buy or hire office coffee machines for your workplace. Fortunately, we are here to help you out.

Today, we have compiled a list of the best coffee machines for a large office that is reliable and has a robust capacity.

So grab your delicious cup of coffee and get straight into it.

Best Workplace Coffee Machines


HLF 5700 Automatic Office Coffee Machine


The HLF 3700 is a full-scale coffee machine and one of the best automatic coffee machines available in the market with a +200 cups per day capacity. It has a 15-inch touchscreen display with video capability for easy brewing and programming. HLF 3700 features three sizes of hoppers to make your office coffee fully customisable, so why let your employees get coffee from a coffee shop?

This coffee maker offers two drinks simultaneously, milk and coffee, with the double outlet feature.

Want to brew hot chocolate and chai? HLF 3700 has three powder containers with a capacity of 350 grams each. You can use powdered milk or instant ground coffee to try new coffee recipes.

If you prefer a different variety of milk, choose two dairy options (full cream, skim). Not just that, you can get two different coffee bean selections for the ultimate coffee experience in your workplace.

One of the coolest features of the HLF 5700 is the new ProMilk system that delivers both hot and cold-frothed milk with the perfect milk foam consistency.

The rent for the HLF 3700 starts at $130 per week, including weekly cleaning, refill, and maintenance check. We also provide a separate milk fridge for storage in your workplace coffee machines. Even if your coffee maker breaks down, we don’t charge any call-out fees.

Eversys Cameo Automatic Office Coffee Machine


Eversys Cameo gives the feeling of becoming a professional barista. It comes with advanced features such as grinding and a dosing system. It does all the barista’s work: dosing, tamping, and grinding the coffee.

The coffee dispenses a couple of test shots to check the grind size. This feature comes great in a large office where you must check the coffee’s quality and freshness first thing in the morning.

The coffee shot efficiency rivals the coffee skills of even the most top-notch baristas. Everysys Cameo grinds, buffers, and pulls out a coffee shot within just 45 seconds, sounds quick, right? You also get to froth milk in a variety of ways. The Cameo has two frothing systems available.

Want to have this coffee machine for your office?

Get in touch with us today to discuss the pricing options. The machine also has a weekly clean, refill, and maintenance check. You also get a milk fridge for storage and delivery of all consumables. What if my coffee machine breaks down? Don’t worry; we provide service for emergency breakdowns with no call-out fees. If you’re curious on some of the factors you might want to look at when trying to find a good office coffee machine for your workplace, finding the right size machine is the first step.

WPM Milk Steamer For Office Coffee Stations


WPM Milk Steamer is a great choice for professionals who prefer alternate milk drinks at home or the office. If you like a foamed milk drink, this machine makes every foam drink possible, ranging from cappuccinos, hot chocolate, Latte’s flat whites, and lots more.

We highly recommend this to drinkers who are vegan or lactose intolerant, as this stand-alone milk steamer gives you a wide variety of options.

You need to fill in the water tank, choose your milk preference, and it dispenses a fresh foam drink in seconds!

It also has two temperature settings to try out different milk options, such as soy, oat, and almond. It has a ProSteam stainless steel system keeps your machine running for years. An attached heater also generates continuous steam to provide maximum performance. The rent for this office coffee machine starts from $10 per week, including regular cleaning and maintenance checks.

Additionally, all the parts and servicing are included in your weekly costs. If there is a breakdown, we provide service without any call-out fees.

HLF 2700 Automatic Office Espresso Machine


HLF 2700 is an automatic coffee machine with a +150 cups per day capacity. If you want an authentic Italian coffee maker, try this one out for your office. HLF 2700 has a double outlet feature that dispenses two drinks simultaneously – one for coffee and one for milk.

Unlike most commercial coffee makers available in the market, the HLF2700 works with a wide variety of coffee grounds. When disposing of your coffee grounds, it’s important to utilise eco friendly coffee solutions! Additionally, if you like customising your daily office coffee, try the coffee hopper in three sizes for milk and other instant powders. 

The rent for the HLF 2700 starts from $79 per week, including weekly cleaning, refill, and maintenance checks. You also get a milk fridge for storage. The expense will be included in your weekly cost if you need all machine parts and servicing. Lastly, we don’t charge any call-out fees for emergency breakdowns.

Conclusion – Commercial Coffee Machines For Your Office


So, that was the list of the best coffee maker we recommend, folks! Just a few quick words before we end this list. When looking for an office coffee machine, you should always look for a solution that can deliver various coffee types, such as lattes and cappuccinos.

You can always contact us with your requirements if you need an automatic espresso machine, a commercial coffee machine, or a manual espresso machine. 

Are you looking for high-quality office coffee machines? Look no further than BizCup! Our coffee machines are perfect for offices of all sizes and will impress your employees and clients in Adelaide, SA. With various options, you can find the perfect machine to fit the needs and budget of your workplace. Bizcup is located in Pooraka, SA, and services all of Adelaide.

About The Author
Picture of Ponti Capoccia – Founder and Director of Biz-Cup
Ponti Capoccia – Founder and Director of Biz-Cup

Ponti Capoccia, is a specialist in the rental and sale of office coffee machines in Adelaide, South Australia. Over the past 5 years, he has been dedicated to keeping up with the latest advancements in the office coffee machine industry. Ponti has leased dozens of office coffee machines across the entire region of South Australia.

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Email Me: [email protected]

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